Rachel's Corner
When I was younger, I loved to perform. I am a singer and getting up on stage in front of an audience to sing a song was something I really enjoyed. I would practice every word and every note. I was pretty confident when it came time to stand in front of an audience and perform my talent. My mother and grandma found a talent show at the Garden Grove Strawberry Festival and it’s at this time, as a 17 year old high school senior, that my life changed forever.
With Stacy at the Miss America Pageant in Las Vegas 2011.
We have those defining moments in our life, where we start on a path and begin a journey, even if we don’t know it at the time. It was at this point in my life, Stacy Margolin, entered my world. Stacy was the Executive Director of the Miss Garden Grove Scholarship Pageant. This pageant was a local preliminary to Miss America! She encouraged me to compete for the crown. I had no idea who Miss Garden Grove was, what it all meant, or what I was getting myself into. All I knew, was that I got to get on stage and sing. The talent portion of the competition was obviously very appealing to me so I figured I'd give it a shot. The other areas of competition I wasn't too sure about. I mean, I had to get into a swimsuit and walk across a stage in front of people! And I had to have an interview with complete strangers and effectively communicate my thoughts and viewpoints!? I didn’t know that by starting this journey, with such amazing mentors and volunteers, I was going to learn so many new skills and gain self confidence.
At a rehearsal one day held at the Courtyard Center in Garden Grove, I stood before my fellow contestants to practice the on stage question. I was asked a question that I didn’t have an answer to. I didn’t have an opinion. I didn’t know what to do. So, I broke down and cried and ran to, what Stacy would from that moment on call, “Rachel’s corner”. I was so embarrassed and afraid of being judged by my peers I couldn’t even come out from the corner. You know it’s kind of funny how things turn out…that year…after my moment in the corner, every one of those girls made me feel comfortable and supported me to learn and grow with them (#girlssupportinggirls) and the night of the competition I was voted Miss Congeniality. I will always cherish that first award.
My first experience with the Miss Califorina Organization was the beginning of shaping the future version of myself. I have seen many girls go on to accomplish amazing things after their time with Miss America program. These women go on to earn Bachelors degrees, Masters degrees and Doctorates. They become entrepreneurs, doctors, pastors, opera singers, professors, lieutenant colonels, advocates, start up founders, actors, models, authors, photographers, comedians, professional dancers, bloggers…the list goes on and on and I could share so many more links! Lifetime friendships are created. I met some of the best friends I have and I know many formers titleholders can say the same. When you’re a part of this group of young women, the roommate you have during Miss California week may be standing by your side on your wedding day as a bridesmaid.
At my wedding in 2009 with my Miss California roommate, Ruth.
With one of my dearest pageant sisters, Carly (Miss Oakland 2008) at Ruth's wedding. I was pregnant with my second daughter.
At Ruth's wedding in 2015.
I held two titles with this organization. I was Miss Garden Grove in 2003 and Miss Oakland in 2006. I have sat on different local committees in varies different volunteer roles. Some of my greatest memories have been acting as a local judge (I judged the current Miss California, Jessa Carmack, when she won the local title of Miss Santa Clara). I have emceed a number of shows (one of my favorite things to do) throughout the entire state of California. It is now my honor to sit on the Board of Directors for the Miss California Organization (@MissCAOrg) and I am working towards building the Miss California Alumni Association (@MissCAAlumni).
I share this story about my involvement because of how it has affected my life and how it continues to be a part of who I am. Being a "pageant girl" is commonly associated with negative stereotypes but get to know any of these "pageant girls" and you will be amazed by their stories, their passion, and the values they stand for. Take it from a girl who once hid in a corner...this program uplifts young women to become future leaders in their communities.
I am privileged to be a mentor and leader to the young women who may find themselves in the same place I was when I first started. This is my story and this is why I continue to be involved.